Anthropology Courses
The Anthropology Department offers a wide range of courses each semester covering our three sub-fields (Archaeological, Linguistic, and Sociocultural Anthropology), a diverse set of cultural and historical areas, and a span of difficulty levels from introductory courses (1000- and 2000-level that do not assume prior knowledge of the field) to graduate seminars (7000-level courses) that may be restricted to instructor permission. In between are numerous 3000-level advanced undergraduate courses that are meant both for our majors and minors and for those with some prior exposure to anthropology.
Each semester we offer a choice of majors' seminar capstone courses that may be restricted to anthropology majors, as well as 5000-level classes that are designed as challenging graduate seminars, but which are open to upper level undergraduate enrollment.
Below are some details about our courses -- along with links to pages with more detailed information.
Current Semester Course List
The most convenient way to view the most up-to-date listing of Anthropology Department offerings is to view Lou's List for the Anthropology offerings for any given semester.

New Course for Fall 2021
The Anthropology of Islam
ANTH 5559
Professor Noah Salomon (Religious Studies)
The Anthropology Department is pleased to welcome to the University Noah Salomon, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Irfan and Noreen Galaria Research Chair in Islamic Studies. Professor Salomon will have a courtesy appointment in the Department of Anthropology, and we encourage students to consider his Fall 2021 course on the Anthropology of Islam.
What does it mean to render Islam an anthropological object? Once rendered, how can we take the Islamic tradition seriously as having its own set of ideas of the human that cover overlapping concerns with the discipline of anthropology? How might engaging Islam, as both an embodied and intellectual tradition, force us to question some of the assumptions of this field or to leaven them in productive ways?
Anthropology Course Catalogue
The course catalogue lists all of the courses that the Anthropology Department offers on a regular basis (roughly those that have been taught in the previous 5 years, and that our current faculty anticipate offering again in the near future).
You can search the course catalogue in several places:
- The easiest way to view our course catalogue is via Lou's List;
- The SIS can be searched both for the courses taught in a particular semester or those included in the department's catalogue; and
- The University Registrar offers the most authoritative listing of courses. The link sends you to the Registrar's home page; to see Anthropology course catalogue information, click on Course Descriptions on the left-hand menu, then filter the course list by the Anthropology mnemonic: ANTH.
Courses that Contribute to Anthropology Concentrations
Students majoring in Anthropology may opt to fulfill a specific Concentration within our major. The Department offers concentrations in Culture and Communication; Indigenous Worlds; and Medical Anthropology, Ethics, and Care.
For each concentration we provide a flexible list of courses that can be used to satisfy the requirements of the concentration. Please follow the links below for general information about these concentrations and their specific requirements, as well as updated lists of courses available to be put toward the respective concentrations.
Courses in Other Departments
Courses outside Anthropology for Consideration as Electives in Anthropology Major, in Consultation with Major Advisor. Check out the offerings in these departments (and possibly other departments too) which often offer courses that are relevant to anthropology and therefore could be counted toward your major or minor in Anthropology. If you are Double Majoring remember that up to 2 courses can be counted toward both majors. Be sure to check with your major advisor if you want to count a course taken in a different department toward your Anthropology major or minor.
African-American & African StudiesAmerican Studies (AMST)Architecture (ARH)
Art History (ARTH)East Asian Studies (DEALLC)Education (Curry School)
EnglishEnvironmental Science (EVSC)Environmental Thought and Practice (ETP)
Global Studies and Development Studies (GL)HistoryJewish Studies (JWST)
Linguistics (LING)Media Studies (MDST)Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies (MESALC)
MusicReligious StudiesSlavic Folklore and Oral Literature
SociologySpanish, Italian and PortugueseWomen, Gender, and Sexuality (WGS)
For specific course options, see our updated anthropology elective course list.