Ntsieng Botsane
BA Anthropology, St. Lawrence University, 2022
Linguistic Anthropology - Language Reclamation & Preservation, Migration, Identity, Music, Censorship, Post-colonial Sub-Saharan Africa - South Africa (Gauteng, North-West, Free State provinces), Lesotho I am interested in issues of identity, discrimination, language reclamation and preservation from the lens of the music of Basotho migrant men & women in South Africa’s mining towns known as famo, a musical tradition of the 1960s now also gaining unusual popularity among Basotho youth. Additionally, I am interested in selective acceptance i.e. censorship of languages, such as radio censorship and therefore marginalisation of Basotho women’s Sesotho vocabulary within famo music, particularly around themes of romantic desire and self-empowerment. Ultimately, I wish to look into how selective censorship (along gender lines), and, in the general sense, media censorship, interacts with the rise and/or demise (endangerment) of some languages, and in the same way, the rise and/or demise of several cultural markets in Africa and beyond.