Michelle Morgenstern
B.A. in Anthropology and "Inequality & Education, Franklin & Marshall College
M.S.Ed in Elementary Education, University of Pennsylvania
M.A. Anthropology, University of Virginia
USA, politics and activism, social media, digital discourse, semiotics, ethics and morality, imagination and world-making, play
My research is centered on youth linguistic practices as they are mediated by emerging digital technologies and the broader political-ethical implications of these practices. I specifically investigate the creative linguistic processes by which young people form and enact new ethical subjectivities and political imaginaries; how these processes and practices exploit or circumvent the technological affordances of social media; and how these emerging commitments entangle with wider sociopolitical contexts. To pursue this investigation, my dissertation project focuses on the social media platform Tumblr and those young people who credit the platform with shaping, as one research participant stated, “like all of my politics and morals and views about what the world should be like”.