Jaran Rudd
M.Sc., Anthropology and Development, The London School of Economics and Political Science, 2024 B.A., Anthropology and Spanish, Austin College, 2021
Political Ecology; Globalization; Critical Development Studies; Human-Environment Interactions; Disaster and Crisis; Resource Extractivism and Pollution; Conservation Policy; Ethnographic Research Methods; Cosmology and Shamanism; Healing and Sickness; Knowledge Production and Dissemination; Ritual and Performance; Theories of Management, Institutions, and Scale; Indigenous and Amazonian Studies; Latin America (Ecuador).
My research interests are diverse and unfolding, but at the heart of my concerns lies an enduring search for an alternative global politics and in ensuring that social, economic, environmental, and political transformations occur with consideration and care for communities on the margins of their societies, or peripheral to the systems of power they wish to engage, critique, and reimagine or refashion. I have written about the structural violence and generative possibilities furnished by the dual pronged disasters of COVID-19 and environmental degradation as they have impacted Kichwa communities in the Pastaza region of Ecuador. Looking to the future will require rethinking the utility and significance of anthropology for the peoples embraced by the practices this discipline affords. I intend to become a research tool in service of the wellbeing of communities that I will work with these upcoming years. Such engaged approaches, however, will require more than just advocacy, but epistemological humility and curiosity regarding the wonderful and multifaceted ways that humanity is lived and expressed.