Giancarlo Rolando
BA Pontifical Catholic University of Peru 2009
Licenciatura, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru 2010
Indigenous epistemologies, the production of appropriate human beings, personhood, shamanism, Amazonia, Pano
I received my BA and licenciatura degrees in anthropology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The focus of my licenciatura thesis was the everyday experience of the State, through the school system, in a Shipibo-Conibo community. With this objective in mind, I explored the images of the other involved in the indigenous comunero – schoolteacher relationship and its everyday dynamics. For my doctoral thesis I plan to work with the Mastanahua People from the Purus River in the Peruvian-Brazilian border. I am interested in learning about their theory of knowledge and the means by which they acquire not only knowledge but also those characteristics they consider to be desirable in a human being. Finally, I am also interested in the way the Mastanahua understand their recent history, as they established permanent relations with the Peruvian State around fifty years ago and evidence suggests that there is a faction of them living autonomously from Peruvian national society.