UVA Courses Outside Anthropology for Consideration as Electives
Courses outside Anthropology for Consideration as Electives in Anthropology Major, in Consultation with Major Advisor
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American Studies
- AMST 2001 Formations of American Cultural Studies
- AMST 3180 Introduction to Asian American Studies
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- ARH 2150 Global Sustainability
- ARH 2753 - Arts & Cultures of the Slave South
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Art History
- ARTH 2051 Art of the Ancient Near East and Prehistoric Europe
- ARTH 2052 Ancient Egypt
- ARTH 2055 Introduction to Classical Archaeology
- ARTH 2861 East Asian Art
- ARTH 2862 Arts of the Asian World – India to Japan
- ARTH 2871 The Arts of India
- ARTH 2961 Arts of the Islamic World
- ARTH 3062 Pompeii
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- ASTR 3410 Archaeo-astronomy
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East Asian Studies (DEALLC)
- 1310 Chinese Culture and Society
- 1320 Chinese Culture and Society
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Education (Curry School)
- EDLF 4605 Anthropology of Education
- EDLF 5711 Globalization, Childhood and Culture
- EDLF 5500 Education in Post-Conflict/Post-Disaster Settings (new course)
- EDLF 5710 Ethnography and Education
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- ENCR 3000 Contemporary Literary Theory
- ENCR 3810 Feminist Theory and Methods
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Environmental Science
- EVSC 2030 - Politics, Science, and Values: An Introduction to Environmental Policy
- EVSC 2200 Plants, People and Culture
- EVSC 4060 People, Culture and Environment of Southern Africa
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Environmental Thought and Practice
- ETP 2020 Global Sustainability
- ETP 4810 Class, Race and the Environment
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Global and Development Studies
- GDS 2020 Culture, Commerce and Travel History
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- HIAF 2001 Early African History
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Jewish Studies
- JWST 3520 Southern Jewish History and Culture
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- LING 2500 English as a Global Language
- LING 3400 Structure of English
- LING 3500 Language Death
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Media Studies
- MDST 2100 Media, Culture and Society
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Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures (MESALC)
- MESA 3470 Language and Culture in the Middle East
- MESA 2350 Women and the Media in the Middle East and South Asia
- MEST 2270 Culture and Society of the Contemporary Arab Middle East
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- MUSI 3070 Introduction to Musical Ethnography
- MUSI 3090 Performance in Africa
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Religious Studies
- RELA 2750 African Religions
- RELA 2850 Afro-Creole Religions in the Americas
- RELA 3000 Women and Religion in Africa
- RELA 3351 African Diaspora Religions
- RELA 3890 Christianity in Africa
- RELA 3990 Islam in Africa
- RELA 4100 Yoruba Religion
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Slavic Folklore and Oral Literature
- SLFK 2120 Ritual and Family Life
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- SOC 3595 After Communism: The Remaking of Communist and Post-Communist Societies (to get own number next spring)
- SOC 3490 Cities and Cultures
- SOC 4680 Sociology of the Everyday
- SOC 4140 Sociology of Consumption
- SOC 4640 Urban Sociology
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- SPAN 4706 Spanish 20th Century History
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Women, Gender, and Sexuality (WGS)
- WGS 1440 Gender and Race in Popular Music
- WGS 2030 Gender in Muslim Lives
- WGS 2858 Anthropology of Reproduction: Fertility and the Future