Anu Karippal
MA Anthropology and Sociology, Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
MA Development, Azim Premji University
BA Economics and Political Science, St. Stephen’s College
Honorable Mention Visiting Student Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Humanities
and Social Sciences, College of William and Mary, 2023
MA Anthropology and Sociology Best Thesis Award, Geneva Graduate Institute, 2022
Selected Publications
Karippal, Anu. “Back Then It was Culture, Now It Is Animal Torture: Moral-
Phenomenological Milieu of Human-Elephant Entanglements in Kerala,” Graduate Institute
Publications (2023) http://books.openedition.org/iheid/9020
Ellis, Rowan., & Karippal, Anu. “Child-Centered methods for school-based WASH
interventions: co-creating sanitation research and recommendations for and with children,”
Waterlines. 41 no 3 (2023): 1-21
Hurst, Elliot., Ellis, Rowan., & Karippal, Anu. “Lively water infrastructure: Constructed
wetlands in more-than-human waterscapes,” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space
(2022): 1-23
Research Interests
Linguistic Anthropology – Interspecies Interactions – Elephants – Multimodality – Theory of
Mind – Morality and Ethics – South Asia